Chapter 5 Magnetic order and high-field magnetic phase transitions in hyperhoneycomb β-Na2PrO3


Unconventional magnetic order and Kitaev quantum spin liquids have been proposed to exist on strongly bond-anisotropic honeycomb lattices, as well as the much rarer hyperhoneycomb lattices with effective spin 1/2. These have significant experimental and theoretical interest in the case of 4d and 5d transition metal ions. The theoretical proposal that such physics may occur in the 4f rare earths has remained experimentally largely unexplored. In this chapter I report crystal structure and magnetic characterisation of the 4f hyperhoneycomb β-Na2PrO3using AC calorimetry and single crystal torque magnetometry, which are consistent with the 4 sublattice non-collinear magnetic structure found in neutron diffraction experiments. I explore a proposed minimal model which stabilises this structure, consisting of dominant Heisenberg exchange, frustrated by bond-dependent symmetric off-diagonal exchange. Finally, I report single-crystal torque magnetometry up to 67 T, revealing a metamagnetic phase transition for certain field orientations.

§ 5.1 Introduction

A generalisation of the honeycomb lattice, discussed in Chapter 4, into three dimensions gives the hyperhoneycomb and harmonic honeycomb family of lattices [68], some of which have been realised as polymorphs of Li2IrO3. These 3D structures show the same three-fold coordination around each site as the planar honeycomb case, and if they host the same Kitaev exchange interactions on these bonds they can be exactly solved through the same methods [65, 53]. Much like in the honeycomb case discussed previously, more complex models with additional Heisenberg J [60, 53] and symmetric-off-diagonal exchange Γ [59] with only nearest-neighbour interactions were also considered to try to explore the possible physics of hyperhoneycomb and harmonic honeycomb iridates. These revealed a rich phase diagram of exotic magnetic phases depending on the precise balance between the three terms in the model.

A promising candidate material for unconventional magnetism is the hyperhoneycomb β-Na2PrO3, which was first synthesised in 1988 [105]. Its promise as a three-fold coordinated 4f magnet was first identified in literature only recently [42, 43], where large, antiferromagnetic Kitaev interactions were theoretically predicted.

In this section I report AC-calorimetry, torque magnetometry, and X-ray structural studies of hyperhoneycomb β-Na2PrO3, revealing non-collinear magnetic ordering at TN=5.20(2) K to a phase stabilised by bond-anisotropic exchange of the symmetric off-diagonal type. I also report torque magnetometry up to 67 T, revealing a metamagnetic phase transition at 26 T for fields applied close to the crystal 𝒂 axis.

§ 5.2 Crystal Structure

Figure 5.1: Single crystal X-ray diffraction pattern in the a, b) h1l, c, d) hk0 reciprocal lattice planes. a, c) show experimental data measured at 300 K, b, d) show calculated Bragg peak intensities. Both colour-maps are on a log scale.

Samples of β-Na2PrO3were synthesised by Ryutaro Okuma at the University of Oxford. Like its polymorph α-Na2PrO3, β-Na2PrO3is very air sensitive so samples were synthesised, handled, and selected in an inert gas atmosphere, and sealed by flame in an evacuated borosilicate-glass capillary. In order to determine the crystal structure of β-Na2PrO3, X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature on 100µm single-crystals with an Oxford Diffraction Supernova diffractometer. These measurements were performed with the sample remaining in the evacuated capillary. The detailed structure was refined using FULLPROF [83] analysis software. The results of this refinement are summarised in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2, which show structural parameters and atomic fractional coordinates of β-Na2PrO3’s ions in the orthorhombic setting.

Figure 5.2: Observed vs calculated Bragg peak intensities where dashed line shows 1:1 agreement. Calculated Bragg peak intensities using FULLPROF [83] with parameters in Table 5.1.
Figure 5.3: Model showing the crystal structure of β-Na2PrO3in the orthorhombic setting. Dark blue spheres indicate Pr4+ions, yellow spheres indicate Na+ions, and red spheres indicate O2 ions. The thin black lines indicate the structural unit cell, while the red, green, and blue triad of arrows shows directions of orthorhombic lattice vectors 𝒂,𝒃,𝒄. a) shows all ions in the structure, b, c) show just Pr4+ions to highlight the arrangement of magnetic ions, with c) showing the projection onto the 𝒂𝒃 plane. d) shows a microscope photograph of a 200 µm single crystal of β-Na2PrO3, with crystallographic axes and a scale bar overlaid. The photograph has a diamond-shaped outline to highlight the morphology of the crystal. The additional object visible in the image is a torque piezocantilever, discussed further in Section 5.5
Table 5.1: Refined structure parameters of β-Na2PrO3in orthorhombic setting with origin choice at 1¯. Isotropic displacement parameters Uiso  have units of 103Å2. Anisotropic displacement parameters can be found in Table 5.2. Error estimates from FULLPROF [83] refinement in parentheses.
Space group: Fddd (70)
Z = 16
Cell parameters:
a,b,c (Å) 6.759 9.785 20.519
α,β,γ (°) 90 90 90
Volume (Å3) 1357.09
Atomic fractional coordinates:
Wyckoff Site
Atom Site Symmetry x y z Uiso
Pr4+ 16g ..2 0.125 0.125 0.70879(2) 5.1(1)
Na+(1) 16g ..2 0.125 0.125 0.04634(18) 15.3(16)
Na+(2) 16g ..2 0.125 0.125 0.37062(19) 12.3(14)
O2(1) 32h 1 0.3607(9) 0.1021(4) 0.78377(16) 8.6(18)
O2(2) 16e 2.. 0.8407(9) 0.125 0.125 9(3)
Table 5.2: Anisotropic displacement parameters of β-Na2PrO3in units of 103Å2 in the orthorhombic setting. Atom labels are the same as in Table 5.1. Error estimates from FULLPROF [83] refinement in parentheses.
Atom U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23
Pr4+ 5.9(2) 5.9(2) 3.6(2) 0.7(2) 0 0
Na+(1) 11.1(14) 24.0(17) 10.7(16) 1(2) 0 0
Na+(2) 16.2(14) 11.6(14) 9.1(14) -4.3(18) 0 0

Figure 5.1 shows a comparison between the experimentally observed diffraction pattern and calculated Bragg peak intensities for the reciprocal lattice planes (h1l), (hk0). The intensities are calculated from the refined atom positions in Table 5.1. The Fddd space group imposes a number selection rules for scattering. The F centring has the scattering rule h,k,l all odd or all even. The systematic absences due to this selection rule can be seen in the data in the (h1l) plane as no peaks are seen at h even or l even. In the (hk0) plane, there is an additional selection rule h+k=4n(n) which is seen in the data. This arises from the diamond glide planes with mirror perpendicular to the 𝒄 axis, and translation by 14(𝒂+𝒃). Finally, for the family of peaks with h,k,l all odd, the peaks at l=6n+3 are systematically weak. This is caused by the fact that the Pr4+and Na+ sites exist in pairs, approximately translated by 𝒄6 which causes destructive interference on l=6n+3 peaks, clearly seen in Fig. 5.1. Figure 5.2 shows a comparison between observed and calculated peak intensities, the small disagreement at large |F|2 is likely caused by uncorrected absorption from the glass capillary the sample was held in to prevent air exposure.

This analysis revealed that β-Na2PrO3has a complex three-dimensional crystal structure, isostructural to hyperhoneycomb β-Li2IrO3 [98], with an Fddd space group. This hyperhoneycomb structure contains edge-sharing PrO6 octahedra containing the Pr4+ion at the centre, arranged to appear locally like a honeycomb structure, but with the bond directions alternating along the 𝒄-axis. The structure, visualised in Figure 5.3, contains zigzag chains of Pr4+ions along the 𝒂+𝒃 and 𝒂𝒃 directions, connected by bonds parallel to the 𝒄 axis. These chains can be seen in Figure 5.3c). When projected into the 𝒂𝒃 plane, the chains form a tiling pattern of diamond shapes, with the long axis parallel to 𝒃 and the short axis parallel to 𝒂. This shape is reflected in the crystal morphology, visible in Figure 5.3d), as the crystals grow with natural edges parallel to these chains into diamond shapes with the long axis parallel to 𝒃 and the short axis parallel to 𝒂. This Fddd space group is in disagreement with the previously reported lower symmetry C2/c structure [105]. This is due to a mischaracterisation of the material as lower symmetry than the space group observed here.

The primitive unit cell of β-Na2PrO3is triclinic, and contains 4 Pr4+ions, 8 Na+ ions, and 12 O2 ions. The primitive cell lattice vectors 𝑨,𝑩,𝑪 can be written in terms of the centred cell lattice vectors 𝒂,𝒃,𝒄 as

(𝑨𝑩𝑪)=(01/21/21/201/21/21/20)(𝒂𝒃𝒄) (5.1)

§ 5.3 Single Ion Physics

Figure 5.4: Schematic diagram showing level splitting of an isolated Pr4+ion in the presence of spin-orbit coupling and an octahedral cubic Oh crystal field environment. Labels on states show good quantum numbers for those levels.

The magnetic ions in β-Na2PrO3are Kramers 4f1 Pr4+ions in an octahedral environment of oxygens, just as in α-Na2PrO3, so up to different values for the strength of the CEF parameters the single-ion physics will be the same as that discussed in Chapter 4. This results in the same energy level spitting diagram shown in Figure 5.4, and a jeff=1/2 ground state.

§ 5.4 Heat Capacity

Figure 5.5: a) Plot showing evolution of heat capacity of a single crystal of β-Na2PrO3with temperature between 3 K and 6.5 K, with applied magnetic fields along the 𝒄 axis μ0H=0 T (red) μ0H=16 T (blue). b) Temperature dependence of heat capacity of collection of single crystals. c) Temperature dependence of calculated magnetic entropy computed from data in panel b). Data is measured with the AC calorimetry method, and has had an estimate of the addenda background subtracted. Black points show estimated specific heat capacity of a single temperature oscillation, red and blue points show running mean over these points. Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval.

In order to determine if the material orders magnetically at low temperatures, specific heat capacity was measured using the AC method described in Section 2.3. Measurements were first performed on a 0.12(2)mg collection of single crystals in zero-field, revealing a clear peak in heat capacity at 5.2 K, shown in Fig 5.5b). Measurements were then performed on a single crystal of β-Na2PrO3to determine how the transition responded to applied magnetic field, shown Fig. 5.5a). The single-crystal sample was too small to accurately measure the mass on a weighing balance, but by comparing the size of the heat capacity anomaly to that of the multi-crystal sample, the mass could be estimated to m0.07mg. The sample was mounted with 𝑯𝒄, for 0 Tμ0H16 T.

Figure 5.5 shows the evolution of heat capacity with temperature between 2 K and 6 K. The trace in red shows the evolution of heat capacity Cp with temperature at zero field, revealing a finite peak, with a sharp anomaly at the ordering temperature TN=5.20(2) K. This is a signature of a second-order phase transition [25], which in turn suggests that the magnetic order just below TN should be described by a single irreducible representation of the high-temperature paramagnetic space group.

The evolution of specific heat capacity with temperature at the maximum experimentally available field of μ0H=16 T can be seen in the blue curve of Fig. 5.5a). This shows a sharp peak with an anomaly at 5.01(4) K, suppressed from the zero-field value. The fact that the transition is sharp in a large magnetic field indicates that there is no spontaneous ferromagnetic component to the zero-field magnetic structure, if there were the finite field would break the symmetry and the transition would be a smooth crossover between low and high temperature regimes. The field suppression of the critical ordering temperature is suggestive of antiferromagnetic ordering and is intuitively understood as the fact that the field induces a uniform magnetisation, so less of the moment orders spontaneously in antiferromagnetic structure. Therefore the mean-field energy from ordering is reduced and the critical temperature TN is reduced.

In order to determine the temperature dependence of magnetic entropy, the heat capacity of the collection of single crystals was fit to a phenomenological form [106]

Cmag(T)=ATnexp(ΔkBT)+Cbg (5.2)

with n=1 and the background term Cbg was subtracted off. The fitted magnetic gap Δ1 meV is very sensitive to the value of n used and the temperature fitting window. This is likely an artefact of the small temperature window available. The magnetic entropy was then computed as

Smag(T)=0TCmag(T)T𝑑T (5.3)

where the fitted Cmag(T) is extrapolated for temperatures below the measurement base temperature, and the measured data itself is used above the base temperature. This computed Smag(T) is shown in Fig. 5.5c). The high-temperature magnetic entropy produced is S0.5kBln2, less than the expected kBln2 value for a jeff=1/2 paramagnet. This value is also less than the S0.76kBln2 value found in α-Na2PrO3[21]. That this may be evidence of strong fluctuations in the ordered state [98] is an interesting prospect, however given the unavailability of an accurate lattice background to subtract, significant uncertainties in the sample mass and low-temperature extrapolation, and the challenge of determining absolute values of heat capacity in the AC calorimetry technique, the uncertainty on the absolute value of this is large, and it should be taken as a rough estimate.

§ 5.5 DC Field Torque Magnetometry up to 16T

Figure 5.6: a, b) Waterfall plots showing magnetic torque vs rotator angle for temperatures between 2 K and 100 K. Rotations are made in the a) 𝒂𝒄 plane, b) 𝒃𝒄 plane. Dashed vertical lines indicate where field is parallel to the 𝒂 and 𝒃 axes respectively. The rotator angle θ is measured from the crystallographic c axis. Top labels indicate angles where the magnetic field direction is aligned parallel to an orthorhombic crystallographic axis. Traces are raw torque piezocantilever voltages in mV. Trace colour indicates temperature, as per colour bar on right of image. c) Evolution of fitted torque amplitudes for rotations in the 𝒂𝒄 and 𝒃𝒄 planes between 2 K and 100 K. Measurements are made on the same sample so units are comparable. d) Evolution of fitted torque amplitudes scaled by (μ0H)2 for rotations in the 𝒂𝒄 plane between 2 K and 40 K for applied magnetic fields between 2 T and 16 T.

In order to explore the magnetic anisotropy in β-Na2PrO3, I performed piezocantilever torque magnetometry measurements on 200 µm single crystals. Torque measurements reported in this section were performed on the crystal pictured in Fig. 5.3d). Figure 5.6 shows measured magnetic torque for rotations in the 𝒂𝒄 and 𝒃𝒄 planes for temperatures between 2 K and 100 K. Figure 5.6a) shows a waterfall plot of torque against rotation angle in the 𝒂𝒄 plane, where an angle of 0° implies field parallel to the crystallographic 𝒄 axis. At all temperatures measured, the torque is fit well by a τ=τ2(T)sin2θ form, with τ2>0. When the field is approximately parallel to the 𝒄 axis μ0𝑯𝒄, the torque crosses zero with a negative gradient of torque with angle is observed, indicating a stable equilibrium in both the paramagnetic and ordered phases. Conversely, for μ0𝑯𝒂 torque crosses zero with a positive gradient, suggesting that this is an unstable equilibrium. This implies that the susceptibility along the 𝒄 direction is larger than the susceptibility along the 𝒂 direction at all temperatures. Figure 5.6b) shows torque against rotation angle in the 𝒃𝒄 plane, where an angle of 0° implies field parallel to the crystallographic 𝒄 axis. Here the situation is very similar, at all temperatures the torque is fit well by a sin2θ form and the sign of the signal indicates μ0𝑯𝒄 is a stable equilibrium, while μ0𝑯𝒃 is an unstable equilibrium.

At each temperature, torque versus angle curves were fitted to the sinusoidal form

τ(θ,T)=τ2(T)sin2θ (5.4)

where τ2(T)>0 indicates a stable equilibrium when μ0𝑯𝒄.

Figure 5.6c) shows how these coefficients τ2 vary with temperature for both orientations. The trace in blue shows the values extracted for the 𝒂𝒄 plane, while the trace in red shows values for the 𝒃𝒄 plane. These torque measurements in both planes were performed on the same crystal and the same lever so the units are comparable. In both planes the evolution of this amplitude τ2 with temperature are qualitatively similar. At high temperatures, above 20 K the torque decreases monotonically, as is expected for a Curie-Weiss paramagnet. Here the magnitude of the torque signal is about twice as large in the 𝒂𝒄 plane as in the 𝒃𝒄 plane, with the sign of the signal indicating that χc is the largest susceptibility. This suggests that the difference in susceptibilities between the 𝒄 axis and 𝒂 axis is about twice as large as the difference between the 𝒄 axis and 𝒃 axis. From this, the order of susceptibilities can be inferred as

χc>χb>χa (5.5)

In both orientations there is a broad peak in torque centred at approximately 10 K. Low dimensional systems of weakly coupled chains or planes have been observed to display a broad peak in susceptibility associated with short range magnetic order at a temperature T~ dependent on the dominant interactions, and an anomaly at a lower temperature with the onset of long-range order TNT~ [22, 70, 31]. Whether this could indicate short-range order along the zigzag chains in β-Na2PrO3is an interesting prospect which should be investigated further.

At the Néel temperature, determined from heat capacity as described in Section 5.4, T5.2 K, there is a pronounced anomaly in torque. In both orientations, the fitted torque amplitude grows quickly as temperature drops deeper into the ordered phase. This is consistent with a suppression of susceptibility in the 𝒂 and 𝒃 directions. The size of the torque anomaly in the 𝒂𝒄 plane (4.8 a.u.), is much larger than the size of the anomaly in the 𝒃𝒄 plane (1.6 a.u.), suggesting that the susceptibility is suppressed much more strongly in the 𝒂 direction than the 𝒃 direction. This is consistent with an antiferromagnetic structure with spins predominantly along the 𝒂 axis, but with a finite component also along the 𝒃 axis.

Figure 5.6d) shows how the value of τ2(μ0H)2 varies with temperature for applied fields between 2 T and 16 T. In the paramagnetic regime, magnetic torque is expected to scale with the field squared τH2 [107, 113] (See Chapter 2.2), and indeed the curves τH2 lie on top of each other. This can be seen for all fields measured with temperature T>10 K. For temperatures below the transition this relationship holds for small fields up to 6 T. At larger applied fields, the value of τ2(μ0H)2 drops, indicating that the torque is growing slower than H2. This is further evidence of magnetic order, as the paragenetic torque-field relationship no longer holds.

Figure 5.7: a) Waterfall plot showing magnetic torque vs rotator angle for temperatures between 2 K and 100 K for rotations made in the 𝒂𝒃 plane. The rotator angle ϕ is measured from the crystallographic 𝒃 axis. Top labels indicate angles where the magnetic field direction is aligned parallel to an orthorhombic crystallographic axis. Traces are raw torque piezocantilever voltages in mV. Trace colour indicates temperature, as per colour bar on right of image. b) Evolution of fitted torque amplitudes between 2 K and 100 K. Red overlaid is curve of unscaled τac(T)τbc(T) as described in the text.

The most straightforward interpretation of this torque data is a collinear antiferromagnetic order with moments in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, in-between the 𝒂 and 𝒃 axes. To test this torque was measured in the 𝒂𝒃 plane of the same crystal, so the sample had to be mounted with the lever against the side of the diamond shape visible in the crystal morphology. The absence of a flat face for mounting makes the alignment of this challenging. For this mounting, the lever was aligned parallel to the 𝒂+𝒃 direction, along the direction of a zigzag chain. The mmm point group of the high-temperature paramagnetic phase means that the torque is required by symmetry to be zero for μ0𝑯𝒂 or μ0𝑯𝒃, as such this can be used to correct any misalignment caused by the mounting difficulties. The ϕ=0 position is taken as the angle with τ=0 at high temperature closest to the estimated 𝑯𝒃 position from crystal geometry. In the measurement reported, the corrected alignment was 8 ° off the estimated alignment.

Figure 5.7a) shows torque versus angle in the 𝒂𝒃 plane for temperatures between 2 K and 100 K. The angle in plane ϕ is measured from the nominal 𝒃 axis. Much like in the other orientations, these show an τ=τ2sin2ϕ shape. In the 𝒂𝒃 plane, the stable equilibrium is near μ0𝑯𝒃 and the unstable equilibrium is near μ0𝑯𝒂, consistent with the order of susceptibilities shown in Eqn. (5.5).

Fig. 5.7b) shows the evolution of the fitted torque amplitudes with temperature, showing the same overall shape as seen in both other orientations.

If the torque can be explained simply by anisotropic susceptibilities with principal axes aligned with the crystallographic 𝒂, 𝒃, 𝒄 axes then for small magnetic fields

τ2,ab =12B2(χbχa) (5.6)
=τ2,acτ2,bc (5.7)

Overlaid on the data points in red is the curve of τac(T)τbc(T), which agrees qualitatively and quantitatively very well with the measured data points of τab(T). It is worth noting that these data are not scaled to match, but the data was measured on the same sample and lever for all three datasets. The subtracted data is over-plotted with no scaling parameters. This quantitative agreement provides further confirmation of the internal consistency of the dataset. The torque data provides additional confirmation for the non-collinear picture as follows; torque in the 𝒂𝒄 and 𝒃𝒄 planes is consistent with suppression of susceptibility along both 𝒂 and 𝒃 directions. If the structure was collinear with moments in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, away from crystallographic axes, one would expect an unstable equilibrium when the field is along the moment axis and susceptibility is close to zero, and a stable equilibrium when the field is normal to this axis. The principal axes of the susceptibility tensor would not be aligned with the crystallographic axes and (5.7) would not hold. However the data in Fig. 5.7 does not show this. As such, the collinear model can be discarded, and the suppression of susceptibilities along both the 𝒂 and 𝒃 directions must be because of a more complex non-collinear magnetic order with the dominant (or full) moment components in the 𝒂𝒃 plane.

§ 5.6 Magnetic Structure

Figure 5.8: Model showing magnetic basis vectors of β-Na2PrO3in the orthorhombic setting. Black and gray circles indicate Pr4+ions, while arrows show local moment for associated Pr4+site. Black circles/arrows show one primitive structural unit cell, same as the primitive magnetic unit cell. Left labels (F, A, C, G) indicate which magnetic basis vector is being shown, as specified in Table 5.3, assuming moments polarised along the 𝒃 axis. Number labels indicate sublattice labels as in [10]. The a, b, c labelled triad of arrows on the right-hand side indicate the conventional structural cell lattice vectors. Red lines between sites indicate 𝒂+𝒃 chain, green lines indicate 𝒂𝒃 chain, blue lines indicate z bonds parallel to 𝒄 axis.

Together with heat capacity, the torque data reported above provides clear evidence supporting a non-collinear magnetic structure with an ordering temperature of 5.2 K, motivating further research into the magnetic structure.

The magnetic Pr4+sites are at the 16g site in the orthorhombic cell, there are four equivalent Pr4+sites in the primitive setting. These are shown in Figure 5.8a), with the four sublattices numbered using the convention developed for β-Li2IrO3 [10]. The magnetic basis vectors can be written in terms of the relative orientation of the moments on the Pr4+sites as

(𝑭𝑨𝑪𝑮)=14(+1+1+1+1+111+1+1+111+11+11)(𝝁1𝝁2𝝁3𝝁4) (5.8)

This is summarised in Table 5.3, where +, - symbols indicate a ±1 entry in the matrix above. These magnetic basis vectors are illustrated in Figure 5.8.

Table 5.3: 𝒒=𝟎 Magnetic basis vectors for β-Na2PrO3.
𝝁1 𝝁2 𝝁3 𝝁4
F + + + +
A + - - +
C + + - -
G + - + -

For neutron diffraction, the relevant structure factor for a magnetic reflection at Bragg peak position 𝑸 is

𝓕(𝑸)=fFn=14𝝁nei𝑸𝒓n (5.9)

where the sum runs over the sites in the primitive unit cell, and 𝒓n is the position of the nth  site [10]. The prefactor fF=1+eiπ(h+k)+eiπ(k+k)+eiπ(k+h) is due to the F-centring of the orthorhombic setting and takes the value

fF={4if h,k,lall even4if h,k,lall odd0otherwise  (5.10)

Each magnetic basis vector has a fixed phase relationship between each site, constraining the structure factors 𝓕, and imposing a symmetry constrained extinction (𝓕=𝟎) on some Bragg peak positions.

Writing the Bragg peak position as

𝑸=h𝒂+k𝒃+l𝒄 (5.11)

and the position of the Pr4+ions as

𝒑1 =(18,18,38+δ) (5.12a)
𝒑2 =(18,18,38δ) (5.12b)
𝒑3 =(18,18,38δ) (5.12c)
𝒑4 =(18,18,38+δ) (5.12d)

with δ=0.0838(1)112, equivalent to the structure of β-Li2IrO3[98], the explicit structure factors evaluate as

𝓕F(𝑸)= {16𝝁(1)lcosξcos2πlδif h,k,lall even or all odd0otherwise (5.13a)
𝓕A(𝑸)= {16i𝝁(1)lcosξsin2πlδif h,k,lall even or all odd0otherwise (5.13b)
𝓕C(𝑸)= {16i𝝁(1)lsinξcos2πlδif h,k,lall even or all odd0otherwise (5.13c)
𝓕G(𝑸)= {16𝝁(1)lsinξsin2πlδif h,k,lall even or all odd0otherwise (5.13d)

where ξ is defined to be

ξ:=π4(h+k+l) (5.14)

These structure factors create some additional selection rules. Where h,k,l are all even, if h+k+l=4n, where n is an integer ξ=nπ. So 𝓕C=0, and 𝓕G=0. In the other case if h+k+l=4n+2 then ξ=(n+12)π. So 𝓕F=0, and 𝓕A=0. Additionally, in β-Na2PrO3δ112 (see Table 5.1), so at l=6p+3, 𝓕F=0, 𝓕C=0 and at l=6p, 𝓕A=0, 𝓕G=0. These selection rules are summarised in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4: Selection rules for 𝒒=0 magnetic basis vectors in β-Na2PrO3.
h, k, l all odd, l6p+3
h, k, l all odd l=6p+3
h, k, l all even - h+k+l=4n, l6p
h, k, l all even - h+k+l=4n, l=6p
h, k, l all even - h+k+l=4n+2, l6p
h, k, l all even - h+k+l=4n+2, l=6p

Attribution note: β-Na2PrO3powder sample synthesis, powder neutron diffraction measurements, and magnetic structure fits using FULLPROF [83] were performed by Rytaro Okuma at the University of Oxford and reported in [78]. These data are reproduced in this section for completeness.

Powder neutron diffraction data measured below TN was reported in [78], showing clear magnetic scattering below TN. The magnetic peaks are shown by taking the difference between base temperature (1.3 K) and well above the transition (10 K). The use of a centred cell for indexing the peaks can make it less clear what the magnetic unit cell is, given a set of reflections. This is because a larger magnetic cell than the structural primitive cell could still have the translational symmetry of the centred cell, so magnetic reflections would still have integer Miller indices. Table 5.5 shows a number of expected peaks for 𝒒=0 magnetic reflections in β-Na2PrO3, alongside the associated lattice plane spacing.

Table 5.5: Miller indices of expected 𝒒=0 magnetic reflections in β-Na2PrO3, and associated lattice plane spacing d for d2.9Å. Tick and crosses in the rightmost three columns indicate whether a particular basis vector could have caused that reflection according to the selection rules in Table 5.4
h k l d (Å) seen? A C G
0 0 2 10.26
1 1 1 5.37
0 0 4 5.13
0 2 0 4.89
0 2 2 4.42
1 1 3 4.31
0 2 4 3.54
0 0 6 3.42
2 0 0 3.38
1 1 5 3.30
2 0 2 3.21
1 3 1 2.91

All of the magnetic reflections detected can be indexed by Miller indices of the primitive structural cell, indicating a 𝒒=0 magnetic propagation vector.

The presence or absence of magnetic reflections at different Miller indices can be compared to the selection rules to determine which magnetic basis vectors are present. Of particular interest are the peaks (020), (006), and (200). From the selection rules in Table 5.4 it can be seen that these reflections are in the h, k, l all even, h+k+l=4n+2, l=6p family of peaks, which only have intensity from the C basis vector. The presence of finite intensity on the (006) and (200) peaks indicates that a C basis vector must be present, the zero intensity at (020) means that this must be a Cy component, as this will not contribute to 𝑸𝒚 peaks due to the neutron polarisation factor. There is also finite intensity at the (004) peak which can have contributions from A and F basis vectors. F can be ruled out as this is a ferromagnetic contribution, and non-zero μtot would be detected as a ferromagnetic anomaly in susceptibility, and have a clear signature in torque as is seen in α-Na2PrO3and discussed in Chapter 4. This indicates that there is an Ax or Ay contribution, which must come from Ax, as the combination Ay,Cy cannot maintain the fixed lengths of the spin vectors at each site. Together, these observed peaks with these selection rules imply a magnetic structure made up of Ax and Cy magnetic basis vectors.

Table 5.6 shows the irreducible representations (irreps) for 𝒒=0 magnetic structures. The relevant group is FdddΘ, where Θ is the time-reversal operator. This group has irreps Γn±, and mΓn± with characters under time reversal χ(Γn±)(Θ)=+1,χ(mΓn±)(Θ)=1 respectively, and all other characters the same as the associated Γn± irrep of the Fddd structural space group [24]. All magnetic basis vectors exist in the mΓn± irreps, as they all change sign under time-reversal.

Table 5.6: Irreducible representations (irreps) and associated magnetic basis vectors for 𝒒=0 magnetic structures, obtained from ISODISTORT [32].
Irrep Basis Vector
mΓ1+ Gz
mΓ2+ Fz
mΓ3+ Fx,Gy
mΓ4+ Fy,Gx
mΓ1 Az
mΓ2 Cz
mΓ3 Ay,Cx
mΓ4 Ax,Cy

From this table, it can be seen that the Ax and Cy magnetic basis vectors are members of the same mΓ4 irrep. The natural interpretation is that these are the only magnetic basis vectors present in the magnetic structure. This is consistent with the behaviour seen in heat-capacity at the transition, discussed in Section 5.4, as second order phase transition at TN suggests that the magnetic ordering will be described by a single irrep.

The time-reversal symmetry operation of the paramagnetic phase maps the magnetic structure αAx+βCy to αAxβCy, so they must have the same energy. These are expected as two magnetic domains. Because Ax and Cy are both basis vectors for the same mΓ4+ irrep, there are no symmetry operations which change the relative phase between the Ax and Cy components. This phase can be determined from the intensities of reflections where both Ax and Cy states contribute. These peaks are the h, k, l all odd, l6p+3 family, as per Table 5.4

The intensity of magnetic scattering of a Bragg peak at (hkl) can be determined from the structure factor as

I(𝑸)= |𝓕(𝑸)|2 (5.15a)
= 𝓕(𝑸)𝓕(𝑸) (5.15b)

where 𝓕(𝑸) is the component of the structure factor normal to the scattering direction 𝑸. If the vector moments are taken out of the structure factors

𝓕(𝑸)=𝝁AA(𝑸)+𝝁CC(𝑸) (5.16)

then the perpendicular component can be extracted as

𝓕(𝑸)=𝝁AA(𝑸)+𝝁CC(𝑸) (5.17)


𝝁n=𝝁n𝝁n𝑸𝑸𝑸𝑸 (5.18)

The intensity at 𝑸 can then be written

I(𝑸)=μA2(1(𝝁A𝑸)2μA2Q2)|A|2+μB2(1(𝝁C𝑸)2μC2Q2)|C|22(𝝁A𝑸)(𝝁C𝑸)Q2(A(𝑸)C(𝑸)) (5.19)

where indicates the real part of the expression. The last term is a ‘cross’ term which is sensitive to the difference between (Ax,Cy) and (Ax,Cy).

Figure 5.9: 3D model of experimentally observed Ax,Cy magnetic structure. a) is projection onto 𝒂𝒄 plane, b) is projection onto 𝒃𝒄 plane, c) is orthographic projection. Bonds in red show chain along 𝒂+𝒃 direction, bonds in green show chain along 𝒂𝒃 direction, bonds in blue are parallel to the 𝒄 axis. Sites marked in black show one primitive/magnetic unit cell.

A fit of the powder neutron diffraction data to each of these structures showed that a (Ax,Cy) structure has good quantitative agreement with the intensities of the observed peaks. The resulting magnetic structure is non-collinear, with spins in each zigzag chain close to the direction of the chain and a large angle between spins in adjacent chains. This structure can be seen in Figure 5.9, where the black sites indicate the primitive/magnetic unit cell.

§ 5.7 Candidate Spin Hamiltonians

The magnetic phase diagrams of hyperhoneycomb lattices has been the explored in detail theoretically. The case with nearest-neighbour Kitaev interactions has been solved exactly, with a quantum spin liquid ground state [65], which is expected to have a finite transition temperature [71]. Extensions to this such as the Heisenberg-Kitaev model have also been studied [61]. Another proposed minimal model for hyperhoneycomb is the J-K-Γ model [59]. This includes only nearest-neighbour interactions and has the form

=i,jαβ(γ)J𝑺i𝑺j+KSiγSjγ±Γ(SiαSjβ+SiβSjα) (5.20)

where the sum is over the nearest-neighbour bonds. Each bond has an associated Ising axis γ{x,y,z} and αβ(γ) refer to the orthogonal plane to this axis. In the idealised Fddd crystal structure with all PrO6 octahedra cubic, the Pr-O-Pr-O superexchange planes have normal axes, called Kitaev axes, which each are a local Ising axis for the associated Pr-Pr bond [41, 59]. These Kitaev axes are mutually orthogonal and can be written in terms of the orthorhombic crystal axes

(𝒙̂𝒚̂𝒛̂)=(𝒂̂𝒃̂𝒄̂)=(1201212012010)(𝒂̂𝒃̂𝒄̂) (5.21)

The Hamiltonian can also be written in tensor notation

=i,jγ,μν𝒥μνγSiμSjν (5.22)

such that the Hamiltonian for an individual bond i,jγ=𝑺iT𝒥γ𝑺i. For the z-bond, the Hamiltonian i,jz=J𝑺i𝑺j+KSizSjz+Γ(SixSjy+SiySjx) exchange tensor can be written in Kitaev axes as

𝒥z=(JΓ0ΓJ000J+K) (5.23)

and in orthorhombic axes this takes the diagonal form

T𝒥z=(JΓ000J+K000J+Γ) (5.24)

In previous theoretical work [59], the x,y,z bonds were treated as being related by pseudo-symmetry under a 3-fold rotation around the normal to the local honeycomb plane, which contains all three bonds coming from each site. This approximation is reasonable for the idealised Fddd crystal structure with cubic PrO6 octahedra. However, β-Na2PrO3shows some local distortions which may invalidate this simplification. The important symmetries constraining the nearest-neighbour bonds are a 2-fold axis through the z bonds, which relate the x and y bonds together, and an inversion centre at the x and y bond midpoints. The J,K,Γ parameters on z and x bonds are not required to be the same by symmetry, so the values for an x bond on the 𝒂+𝒃 chain are written as J,K,Γ respectively as

𝒥x=(J+K000JΓ0ΓJ) (5.25)

and the y bond on the same zigzag chain is related by a two-fold rotational symmetry around the (1/8,1/8,z) axis

𝒥y=(J0Γ0J+K0Γ0J) (5.26)

The previous work on this model found that with J=J,K=K,Γ=Γ it could stabilise many different classical magnetic structures including a number of 𝒒=0 non-collinear magnetic structures. This section seeks to find a minimal model for the observed magnetic structure, investigating various parts of the J=J,K=K,Γ=±Γ family of Hamiltonians. In all the models discussed in this section, an isotropic g-factor g=1 is used consistent with the value determined from powder susceptibility measurements are high temperatures [78], equal to the powder average value determined for the honeycomb polymorph α-Na2PrO3[21]. Changes in the g-factor will affect the quantitative magnetic fields where features occur but not the qualitative features themselves or the overall phase diagram.

All calculations reported in this section were performed numerically using the qafm software I developed for this thesis using the principles outlined in Chapter 3.

§ 5.7.1 Minimal JΓΓ model

A minimal model with K=0 and dominant Heisenberg interactions can stabilise the Ax,Cy structure found with neutron diffraction as described above [78].

In this model, with values which fit the spin gap and bandwidth of excitations observed in inelastic neutron scattering experiments [78], J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.27meV. This stabilises a 0.99Ax0.14Cy zero-field magnetic structure, which has a smaller Cy component than the one measured with neutron diffraction, possibly due to interactions not captured in the minimal model.

Figure 5.10: Calculated evolution of magnetic order parameters, defined in text, with field up to B=80 T for applied fields in the a) 𝒂, b) 𝒃, c) 𝒄 crystallographic directions. Here, values of ±μB is fully saturated. Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.27meV as described in the text.

Figure 5.10 shows theoretical mean-field calculations of how the magnetic state changes within this minimal model as field is applied along the crystallographic directions. Fig. 5.10a) shows how the projection of the magnetic state onto the basis vectors varies as magnetic field increases in the 𝑩𝒂 direction. This shows a first order spin-flop phase transition at gxBSF=14 T. This is a transition between the ±(Ax,Cy) low-field ground state to a (Fx,Gy)±(Ay,Cx) spin-flop phase. Note that while Fx±(Ay,Cx) would not be allowed due to the constraint that the moment lengths are fixed, mixing in the Gy term allows the states to coexist. For fields parallel to the crystallographic 𝒂,𝒃,𝒄 axes, 8 of the 16 total symmetry operations are broken, but the 8 irreps in all three groups have the same magnetic basis vectors as the zero-field group (Tables A.1, A.2, A.3). For fields 𝑩𝒂 the magnetic structures (Ax,Cy) and (Ay,Cx) are in different irreducible representations and must be separated by a phase transition. At gxBP=65 T this canted phase has a continuous phase transition to a near-polarised (Fx,Gy) phase. There is no higher field transition to a pure Fx phase, this is because Fx and Gy are basis vectors of the same Γ1+(𝑩𝒂) irrep of the paramagnetic group with field applied. This Gy is reduced asymptotically to zero with increasing field above BP.

Fig. 5.10b, c) show how the projection of the magnetic state onto the basis vectors varies as magnetic field increases in the 𝑩𝒃, 𝑩𝒄 directions respectively. In both cases, there is a continuous phase transition to a near-polarised state at 65 T. For field 𝑩𝒃, the Fy state mixes with the Gx state in the same Γ1+(𝑩𝒃) irrep. For field 𝑩𝒄, the Fz state has no other magnetic basis vectors in the same Γ1+(𝑩𝒄) irrep to mix with.

Figure 5.11: a) Calculated trace of the differential susceptibility tensor (see 5.27) Trχ as a function of applied field in the 𝒂, 𝒃 plane (left panel) and 𝒂, 𝒄 plane (right panel).b) Extracted phase diagram from mean-field calculation for applied field in the 𝒂, 𝒃 plane (left panel) and 𝒂, 𝒄 plane (right panel). Coloured regions indicate regions where magnetic state irrep contribution does not change, text overlays show irreducible representation content of magnetic state using irreps for the associated field plane, as in Table 5.7. Dashed lines indicate continuous phase transition, solid lines indicate first-order phase transitions. Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.27meV as described in the text.

Figure 5.11 shows the field phase diagram for this model. In Fig. 5.11a) the left panel shows the phase diagram for field orientations in the 𝒂,𝒃 plane. The right panel shows the phase diagram for field orientations in the 𝒂,𝒄 plane. The colour is derived from the trace of the differential susceptibility tensor

χij=2BiBj (5.27)

with free energy , and magnetic field vector 𝑩. In Landau theory this is expected to diverge at first-order phase transitions, and have a discontinuity at second-order phase transitions [57, 25].

For all orientations of fields in the 𝒂,𝒃 plane, there is a continuous transition to a near-polarised state at 65 T, as is seen in the order parameter sweeps discussed above. This transition field is approximately independent of angle with the isotropic g factor used in the calculation. The effect of an anisotropic g factor will linearly scale the fields along the 𝒂,𝒃,𝒄 directions, but the phase diagram will remain qualitatively the same. For fields directly along the 𝒂 direction, there is a first-order spin-flop phase transition, discussed above. This first order transition remains for small angles made to the 𝒂 axis, however for large enough angles towards 𝒃 no transition is seen. As such, one can move between the low-field Ax,Cy and high-field Ay,Cx regions for fields along 𝒂, without crossing a phase transition, by first increasing the field along 𝒃. For fields in the 𝒂,𝒄 plane, there is also a continuous transition to a near-polarised state at 65 T which is approximately independent of the field direction. In this case, the first order transition for fields along 𝒂 is joined by a line of first order transitions to the polarisation phase boundary. As such, there is no way of moving between the Ax,Cy and Ay,Cx regions for fields along 𝒂 without crossing a phase boundary, when field is kept in the 𝒂,𝒄 plane.

Table 5.7: Irreducible representations (irreps), character table, and magnetic basis vectors for space group Fddd with applied magnetic field perpendicular to crystallographic axis 𝒏{𝒂,𝒃,𝒄}. In character table ’+’ indicates χ=1, ’-’ indicates χ=1.
E 1¯ 2𝒏 d𝒏 𝒏=𝒄 𝒏=𝒃 𝒏=𝒂
Γ1+(𝑩𝒏) + + + + Gx,Gy,Fx,Fy Fx,Fz,Gy Gx,Fy,Fz
Γ2+(𝑩𝒏) + + - - Gz,Fz Gx,Gz,Fy Fx,Gy,Gz
Γ1(𝑩𝒏) + - + - Ax,Ay,Cx,Cy Cx,Cz,Ay Ax,Cy,Cz
Γ2(𝑩𝒏) + - - + Az,Cz Ax,Az,Cy Ay,Az,Cx

These differences between the two planes can be understood from the symmetry of the crystal. When a magnetic field is applied, the symmetry of the space group is reduced. The symmetry operations which remain are those which leave the magnetic field invariant. For a completely general magnetic field orientation, the only symmetry operations are E, and 1¯, but for magnetic fields applied parallel to or perpendicular to the crystallographic axes the symmetry is higher than this. Table 5.7 shows the irreps, character table, and basis vectors for magnetic fields perpendicular to the crystallographic axes. In all cases for finite magnetic field, the Γ1+(𝑩𝒏) couples linearly to the field, so can be non-zero without crossing a phase boundary. Note that for a completely general orientation of magnetic field, with details in Table A.5, there are only two irreps Γ+, Γ so the only symmetry breaking transition possible is the polarisation transition at high field.

For field in the 𝒂,𝒃 plane the phase diagram can be seen in the left panel of Fig. 5.11b). Here, 𝒏=𝒄 and the Ax,Ay,Cx,CyΓ1(𝑩𝒄) basis vectors are all members of the same irrep, so by applying field in the 𝒂,𝒃 plane, these can mix without crossing a phase transition in the region marked in light green. In the near-polarised state (pink), the magnetic structure only contains basis vectors in the Γ1+(𝑩𝒄) irrep, which couples to the field. These two regions have different irrep content and so must be separated by a phase transition.

For field in the 𝒂,𝒄 plane, the phase diagram can be seen in the right panel of Fig. 5.11b). Here, 𝒏=𝒃 and the basis vectors Ax,CyΓ2(𝑩𝒃), Ay,CxΓ1(𝑩𝒃) are members of different irreps. When applying field in the 𝒂,𝒄 plane, these cannot mix without crossing a phase transition. So this region of the phase digram is separated into a Γ1+Γ2(𝑩𝒃) region (purple), and a Γ1+Γ1(𝑩𝒃) region (dark blue). In the near-polarised state (light blue), the magnetic structure only contains basis vectors in the Γ1+(𝑩𝒃) irrep.

Figure 5.12: Calculated magnetic torque versus field up to 80 T for fields close to the 𝒂, 𝒃, 𝒄 crystal axes. Torque is projected onto crystallographic axes as described in the text. In a), the field is applied at angle θ away from 𝒂 towards 𝒃 for τz and towards 𝒄 for τy. Situation is similar for panels b, c). Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.27meV as described in the text.

Figure 5.12 shows predicted torque vs field up to 80 T for fields applied close to the crystallographic 𝒂, 𝒃, 𝒄 axes. The curves are produced by putting the field at θ=5° from a nominal crystal axis, in an assumed rotation plane containing the nominal axis and another crystal axis out of 𝒂,𝒃,𝒄, and calculating the torque projected onto the axis normal to the rotation plane. Both orthogonal rotation planes are considered for each nominal axis. Note that as the rotation angle sign is ambiguous, it is chosen such that the torque remains positive. For instance, Fig. 5.12a), the black trace shows torque projected onto the 𝒄 axis (τz), with field applied 5 ° from the 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒃 axis. This is what would be measured experimentally if the sample was rotated in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, close to the 𝒂 axis. For fields near the crystal 𝒂 axis, both projections of torque show a sharp peak-like feature in torque at the spin-flop field. At high field, only the projection of torque onto the 𝒃 axis shows a cusp-like anomaly at the polarisation field. With fields near the 𝒃 axis, a very broad peak can be seen in the 𝒄 projection of torque, centred at around 40 T, but no clear sharp anomaly, even at the polarisation field. The 𝒙 projection of torque shows a cusp-like anomaly at the polarisation field. The situation with fields along the 𝒄 axis is similar, the projection onto the 𝒂 axis shows a cusp-like transition at the polarisation field, and the projection onto the 𝒃 axis shows a broad peak centred at 40 T. This indicates no spin-flop transition for field near the 𝒄 axis.

Figure 5.13: a) Calculated field dependence of magnetic torque scaled by square field τB2 up to 16 T for fields parallel to 𝒂+𝒄 crystal axes. Torque is projected onto crystallographic 𝒃 axis. Red dashed line shows τB2 behaviour. b)) Magnetisation versus field for field parallel to 𝒂, 𝒃, 𝒄 directions up to 16 T. Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.27meV as described in the text.

With these results in mind, if this model were realised experimentally, when rotating in the 𝒂𝒄 plane one would expect to see a peak-like anomaly in torque at the spin-flop, followed by a cusp-like transition for fields close to the 𝒂 axis which would become less prominent as the field approached the 𝒄 axis. When rotating in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, a peak-like anomaly in torque at the spin-flop transition would be seen, but no anomaly alongside polarisation. Finally, in the 𝒃𝒄, one would expect a cusp-like anomaly at the transition to polarisation at all angles between 𝒃 and 𝒄.

Figure 5.13a) shows torque along the 𝒂+𝒄 direction up to 16 T. The red dashed line shows τB2 behaviour. This shows that for torque in the 𝒂𝒄 plane, magnetic torque is proportional to the field squared at low fields, but at higher fields the torque is growing slower than B2, qualitatively consistent with the behaviour seen experimentally in Figure 5.6. Magnetisation versus field is shown in Fig. 5.13b), this shows an order of susceptibilities at low field

χc>χb>χa (5.28)

consistent with what was observed experimentally, although with χb only slightly smaller than χc, where the empirical difference observed in torque appears much more significant. The spin-flop field of 12.5 T is experimentally accessible and would have been observed in in the torque magnetometry measurements discussed above. This, alongside the under-predicted Cy component in the structure, could suggest that the anisotropy in this model is not as strong as in β-Na2PrO3. However, the increase in spin-flop field would also be consistent with anisotropic g-factor along 𝒂 being less than the powder averaged value of g1. The high temperature torque magnetometry discussed above is consistent with this. It is likely that both effects contribute.

Figure 5.14: a) Calculated trace of the differential susceptibility tensor (see 5.27) Trχ as a function of applied field in the 𝒂, 𝒃 plane (left panel) and 𝒂, 𝒄 plane (right panel). Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.54meV as described in the text.

The model can be made more anisotropic by increasing by the Γ term, maintaining the Γ=Γ relationship. Figure 5.14 shows the field phase diagram for a mean-field model with J=1.22meV, K=0, Γ=Γ=0.54meV. The consequence is an increase in the spin-flop field, and a longer first order line in the 𝒂𝒃 plane. The zero-field ground state is 0.97Ax0.24Cy, which has a larger Cy component than the Γ=0.27meV, closer to the experimentally determined value. This model was however discounted in [78] due to disagreement with the observed spin gap in powder inelastic neutron scattering measurements.

§ 5.7.2 JKΓ model

Figure 5.15: Calculated evolution of magnetic order parameters, defined in text, with field up to B=65 T for applied fields in the a) 𝒂, b) 𝒃, c) 𝒄 crystallographic directions. Calculation is a mean-field model for J=1.22meV, K=1.4meV, Γ=Γ=0.5meV as described in the text.

By including a large Kitaev term in the model, an Ax,Cy magnetic structure can be stabilised with Γ=Γ. For instance, with J=1.22meV, K=1.4meV, Γ=Γ=0.5meV, a 0.49Ax0.87Cy structure is stabilised. This model was found by searching many values of J,K,Γ=Γ such that the overall energy scale J2+K2+Γ2 is constant. This structure with dominant Cy is inconsistent with the dominant Ax structure seen with neutron diffraction.

Fig. 5.15 shows how the projection of the magnetic state onto the basis vectors varies as magnetic field increases in the 𝑩𝒂,𝒃,𝒄 directions. This reveals two continuous magnetic phrase transitions along the 𝑩𝒃 direction, with a high-field Az structure, followed by a transition to polarisation at high field. No spin-flop transitions are seen in the 𝒂,𝒄 directions.

While this model is inconsistent with the observed magnetic structure, and so is not fully explored, it is included to highlight the complexity of the J,K,Γ phase diagram with applied magnetic field.

§ 5.8 Pulsed-Field Torque Magnetometry up to 67T

The presence of magnetic field induced phase transitions along certain crystallographic directions, and their evolution as the field is rotated in different planes, allows these models to be tested by using high-field magnetometry measurements. The presence of magnetic phase transitions will cause anomalies in magnetic torque and magnetisation, which could allow different magnetic phase diagrams and therefore different models, to be distinguished. In order to achieve this, torque magnetometry was performed at high magnetic fields at HZDR Dresden, allowing access to fields larger than 65 T. These were performed using a 150 µm piezoresistive cantilever on a rotator probe. Additional measurements in DC fields up to 35 T will be presented in the subsequent Section 5.9.

Attribution note: Torque magnetometry measurements reported in this section were performed in collaboration with Matthew Pearce, and Ryutaro Okuma from the University of Oxford, and instrument scientists Toni Helm and Yurii Skourski at the HZDR Dresden high-magnetic-field facility.

Figure 5.16: Photograph showing mounted β-Na2PrO3crystal on piezoresistive cantilever for rotation in the 𝒃𝒄 plane. Sample is mounted on a natural growth face with 𝒄 normal.

As the zero-field magnetic structure is predominantly antiferromagnetism along the 𝒂 axis, a metamagnetic phase transition is likely when the magnetic field is applied along the 𝑯𝒂 axis, regardless of the details of the model which stabilised the structure. Because of this, initial measurements were performed for fields close to the crystal 𝒂 axis.

An 150µm long sample was prepared such that the experimental rotation stage would rotate the sample in the 𝒂𝒄 plane. Here, θ is defined as the angle between the field direction and the 𝒂 axis, in the 𝒂𝒄 plane. Initially, the sample was rotated such that the field would be applied close to the 𝒂 axis, and was then rotated until it made a θ15° angle with the axis. In between each field sweep, the sample was rotated by 4.5 ° in the 𝒂𝒄 plane, such that θ increased. Because of the 𝒂𝒄 rotation plane, the measured torque is the projection of the full vector torque 𝝉=𝑴×𝑩 onto the crystal 𝒃 axis. A photograph of the mounted sample can be seen in Figure 5.16, note that the photograph shows the sample in the 𝒃𝒄 plane, as this image shows the sample morphology most clearly.

Figure 5.17: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic field close to the 𝑯𝒂 axis for magnetic fields up to 67 T. Angle shown is measured from the nominal 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒄 axis. All curves are measured at T=1.5 K. Arrow shows extracted polarisation field for sweep at 9. a) Up-sweeps for angles between 9 and 9. b) Up-sweep in yellow, down-sweep in black.

Figure 5.17 shows the evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic field up to 67T for fields close to the crystallographic 𝒂 axis measured at 1.5 K. Fig. 5.17a) shows these torque data for 9°<θ<9°. All of these curves show a peak feature at μ0HSF=26.2(1)T. This peak is sharper for fields closer to the 𝒂 axis, and broadens at the angle made with this axis increases. This behaviour is consistent with a spin-flop transition. The angle θ is defined by taking the sweep with the sharpest peak as θ=0°, the angle of other sweeps is determined by measuring the angle offset from this point. This is challenging as the angle appears to change when the probe is thermally cycled, as such angles reported here are estimates. Fig. 5.17b) shows the up- and down-sweeps for θ=9° in yellow and black respectively. In addition to the peak feature attributed to a spin-flop transition, an additional cusp feature, marked with a downward arrow, can be seen in the up-sweep at μ0HP=58.0(1) T. In the down-sweep, this feature cannot be seen, instead at this point significant hysteresis opens and closes again at zero-field. I attribute the anomaly at HP to a polarisation transition.

Figure 5.18: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic field close to the 𝑯𝒂 axis for magnetic fields up to 67 T for temperatures between 0.67 K and 4.2 K. In a) the nominal angle is θ=0, in b) the nominal angle is θ=9. Only up-sweeps are shown. c) Extracted low temperature phase diagram showing transitions to spin-flop, paramagnetic, and non-collinear antiferromagnetic phases for fields close to the 𝒂 axis. Dashed lines are guides for the eye, error-bars are smaller than individual point markers.

Figure 5.18 shows magnetic torque up-sweeps for temperatures between 0.67 K and 4.2 K with applied field close to the 𝒂 axis. Fig. 5.18a) shows these curves for θ0°. These show a sharp peak in torque at the spin-flop field for the measured temperatures below 4 K, which appears to be approximately temperature independent. Fig. 5.18b) shows these curves for θ13°. These show a much broader peak in torque at the spin-flop field for the measured temperatures below 4 K, which appears to be approximately temperature independent. Additionally, these show a cusp feature at higher field. At applied fields above this feature, all temperature curves lie on top of each other. This cusp feature is strongly temperature dependent, consistent with a polarisation transition. From the these torque measurements, a phase diagram is produced, shown in Fig. 5.18c).

Figure 5.19: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic fields in the 𝒂𝒄 plane for up to 67 T. Angle shown is measured from the nominal 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒄 axis. All curves are measured at T1.5 K. Arrows above curves show extracted polarisation field for associated sweep. a) shows up-sweep torque for angles between 5 and 27. b) Derivative of torque with field τH. Dotted black line shows nominal spin-flop field.

Figure 5.19 shows magnetic torque up-sweeps at 1.5 K for sweeps in the 𝒂𝒄 plane, rotating from near the 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒄 axis for 5 °<θ<27 °. Fig. 5.19a) shows the raw measured torque, while Fig. 5.19b) shows the calculated derivative of this signal. For small angles, with the field close to the 𝒂 axis, the peak in torque associated with the spin-flop field is prominent. This can be seen as a sharp feature in the derivative at the same field. As θ increases, this spin-flop peak becomes broader and smaller. In the largest angle shown of 27 °, the spin-flop feature can not be seen in the raw data, but is still visible as a flattening of the derivative at μ0H26 T. This shows that the field where the feature occurs is independent of rotation angle. The cusp features associated with polarisation can also be seen in these data. These can also be seen as a step-change in the derivative, and are shown with arrows above the data. As angle increases, these appear to decrease in field. It is worth noting though that the high sensitivity of this transition to temperature makes it also sensitive to precise cryogenic conditions in the cryostat during the pulse. There is therefore some uncertainty in the temperature during the pulse, and so also uncertainty in this field. The measured polarisation field drops from 58 T at 9 ° to 55 T at 23 °. At larger angles, the size of this feature drops in magnitude, making it unclear in both the raw torque and the derivative at the largest angle shown of 27 °.

Figure 5.20: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic field close to the 𝑯𝒃 axis for magnetic fields up to 67 T for temperatures between 1.3 K and 4.2 K, with nominal angle against the axis of θ=9. In a) only up-sweeps are shown, in b) up-sweep is shown in red, down-sweep is shown in black. c) shows derivative of torque with field for up-sweeps, used to extract polarisation field. Upwards pointing arrows show extracted polarisation field. d) Extracted low temperature phase diagram showing transitions to paramagnetic and non-collinear antiferromagnetic phases for fields close to the 𝒃 axis. Blue circles are extracted features shown from panel c), pink circles are the same features extracted in DC fields, discussed later, yellow cross is feature in 𝒂𝒃 plane rotation discussed later. Dashed lines are guides for the eye, error-bars are smaller than individual point markers.

To determine the magnetic phase diagram close to the 𝒃 axis the sample was remounted such that the rotator rotated in the 𝒃𝒄 plane. The mounted sample can be seen in Figure 5.16, with the sample mounted on a flat growth plane normal to the 𝒄 axis. The sample was then rotated until the field was close to this 𝒃 axis. These measurements were performed in a He4 flow cryostat, with a base temperature of 1.3 K.

Figure 5.20 shows magnetic torque vs field for field applied close to the crystallographic 𝒃 axis for temperatures between 1.33 K and 4.2 K. In all temperatures below the transition, these show a cusp-like feature, with increases in field as the temperature decreases. Fig. 5.20b) shows both up and down sweep for the base temperature measurement at 1.33 K. This shows that a hysteresis opens at the cusp feature, much like the cusp feature observed close to the 𝒂 axis. This feature can be seen clearly as a sharp peak in the differential of torque with field, shown in Fig. 5.20c), this sharp peak allows the field where the feature occurs to be extracted. The strong temperature dependence of this feature, combined with the fact that this is the only feature seen up to 67 T, leads me to attribute this to the transition to the paramagnetic phase. The temperature evolution of the extracted polarisation field allows a phase diagram to be constructed for fields close to the crystal 𝒃 axis Fig. 5.20d). The dotted line on the phase diagram is a fit to the functional form

(HP(T)HP(0K))α+(TTc)α=1 (5.29)

and is intended as a guide to the eye. From this fit, the zero-temperature polarisation field is placed in the region of 53 T, and α2.

Figure 5.21: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic fields in the 𝒃𝒄 plane up to 67 T. Angle shown is measured from the nominal 𝒃 axis towards the 𝒄 axis. All data shown were measured at T1.5 K. Arrows under curves show features which are discussed in the text. a) shows up-sweep torque for angles between 9 and 57. b) Derivative of torque with field τxH.

The evolution of torque-field dependence as the field is rotated towards the 𝒄 axis can be seen in Fig. 5.21. This shows that as the field is rotated towards the 𝒄 axis, the observed features in torque broaden and become harder to distinguish from the background. Especially prominent in the θ=23° sweep, an additional feature can be seen above 60 T, appearing as a flattening of the torque at high field. This can be seen at steeper angles, although it has a broader onset. The physical origin of this feature is unclear, if it is present close to the 𝒃 axis, it must be at above the 67 T maximum field. If this is the case, it would suggest a more complex phase diagram than the one proposed. Despite the uncertainty in the origin and precise location of the feature, the associated anomaly in the derivative of torque can be seen in all the angles shown, including with fields close to the 𝒄 axis.

Figure 5.22: a) SEM image showing cut β-Na2PrO3sample using focused ion beam in preparation for torque magnetometry measurements with the sample rotated in 𝒂𝒃 plane. The cut plane is 𝒂𝒄, with 𝒄 axis vertical. b, c) Magnetic toque against applied field up to 67 T with field close to the 𝒂 axis. Torque is projection onto 𝒄 axis of full vector torque. Showing b) raw torque signal, c) derivative of torque with field τzH

The last high-symmetry plane explored with torque is the 𝒂𝒃 plane. Sample morphology means that precise alignment on a cantilever in this plane is challenging. To overcome this an 170µm long single crystal sample of β-Na2PrO3was mounted on a metal plate with natural growth plane normal to 𝒄 flush with the plate. This was then placed in a ThermoFisher Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM). The sample was then cut in the 𝒂𝒄 plane using the ion beam (FIB) providing a flat surface with the 𝒄 axis orthogonal to the surface-normal. Figure 5.22 shows an image of the sample, taken with SEM after this cut, showing clear sample morphology covered by a layer of non-crystalline material. Note especially that the sample is mounted on a flat growth face, measured with X-ray diffraction to be normal to 𝒄, providing confidence that this alignment is precise. This sample was mounted for torque with the cantilever flush to the cut face, allowing the sample to be rotated in the 𝒂𝒃 plane.

Figure 5.22b,c) show the torque-field dependence and the corresponding derivative for fields close to the 𝒂 axis. These show a very sharp transition at 26.6(2) T, matching closely with the spin-flop field measured previously. The higher field behaviour is less clear, but the rapid change in torque, and corresponding peak in τH at approximately μ0H62 T may be associated with the polarisation transition observed in the 𝒂𝒄 plane torque measurements. The absence of a sharp cusp at polarisation, seen in other orientations, is likely caused by the different projections of the torque vector. In calculations for some models a cusp feature is only expected to be seen in particular projections of the torque, this can be seen in Fig. 5.12.

Figure 5.23: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic fields in the 𝒂𝒃 plane up to 67 T. Angle shown is measured from the nominal 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒃 axis. All curves are measured at T1.5 K. Arrows under curves show features which are discussed in the text. a) shows down-sweep torque for angles between 9 and 80, b) derivative of torque with field τH.

Figure 5.23 shows the torque vs field and the corresponding derivative for fields applied in the 𝒂𝒃 plane. The sweep at each angle shows rich behaviour, including low-field peak-trough features in torque even close to the 𝒃 axis. Arrow markers above the curves show inflection points in the data. Unlike in previous cases in this section, the derivative is not particularly illuminating, as the behaviour is too complex to select individual features of note. For the smallest angle, there is a sharp peak-trough feature associated with the spin-flop, and a drop in torque which may be associated with transition to polarisation. For angles close to the 𝒃 axis, marked 60 ° and 80 °, there is a peak-trough-peak-trough feature. Close to the 𝒂 axis, the spin-flop feature is selected as a sharp peak in the derivative of torque, if this is applied to the broad peak seen close to the 𝒃 axis, it suggests a broad low field feature, marked with an arrow, in the region of 30 T. This feature is marked in Fig. 5.20 b) with a yellow cross symbol. The fact that no feature can be seen in the 𝒃𝒄 plane measurements is likely caused by one of two scenarios. The anomaly could be only present in the τz projection of torque, not the τx projection measured in the 𝒃𝒄 plane. The second possibility is that the feature is related to a projection of field into the 𝒂 axis, which is zero in the 𝒃𝒄 plane. Ultimately these scenarios cannot be practically distinguished with torque magnetometry. The high-field inflection point noted with an arrow is in the region of 60 T. The prominence of both features decreases as the field approaches the 𝒃 axis. At the intermediate angle of 40 ° there is a large and broad peak-trough feature at around 40 T.

§ 5.9 DC Field Torque Magnetometry up to 35T

A limitation of pulsed magnetic fields is that long magnet cool-down times limit the density of data that can be taken. The data also has a tendency to be noisier than that available in DC fields. In order to better understand the magnetic phase diagram in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, magnetic torque was measured up to 35 T in DC fields. These experiments were performed using capacitive cantilever torque magnetometry such that a jig could be used to hold the sample in the 𝒂𝒃 plane.

Attribution note: Torque magnetometry measurements reported in this section were performed in collaboration with Matthew Pearce and Ryutaro Okuma at the University of Oxford and Alix McCollam, Roos Leenen, and Uli Zeitler at HFML Nijmegen.

Figure 5.24: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic fields in the 𝒂𝒃 plane up to 35 T. Angle shown is measured from the nominal 𝒂 axis towards the 𝒃 axis. All curves are measured at T4.0 K. Arrows under curves show features which are discussed in the text. a, b) show raw cantilever capacitance, taken to be proportional to torque. c, d) show derivative of torque with field τH. a, c) show data closer to 𝒂, b, d) show data closer to 𝒃.

Figure 5.24 shows magnetic torque in the 𝒂𝒃 plane up to 35 T. The top panels show raw cantilever capacitances, proportional to torque, the bottom panels show the derivative of this with field. Each measurement was taken at 4.0 K, the highest temperature which kept all observed transitions below the 35 T maximum field available. Every torque vs field trace shown in this plane shows a cusp-like transition. Near the 𝒂 axis, the transition occurs at 21.5(1) T and is sharp, consistent with the behaviour seen in pulsed fields at these temperatures. In this section, angle θ is the angle made in the 𝒂𝒃 plane between the field direction and the crystal 𝒂 axis. As the field rotates towards the 𝒃 axis, for 0°<θ45°, the transition remains sharp and the transition field varies strongly with angle, up to 34.9(2) T at θ=45°. Towards the 𝒃 axis, 45°θ<90° the anomaly associated with the transition is much less pronounced, although it can still be clearly seen in both raw and derivative plots. Close to the 𝒃 axis, the transition field is approximately 30.0(2) T, in agreement with the value determined in pulsed fields at the same temperature of 4 K. This can be seen in the pink circles overlaid on Fig 5.20d). This increases monotonically with angle up to θ=45°. In addition to the transition, fields near the 𝒃 axis show a broad peak-trough feature that was also observed in pulsed fields.

Figure 5.25: Colour plot showing derivative of torque with field τH for fields in the 𝒂𝒃 plane at 4.0 K. A smooth background is subtracted to highlight sharp features. Dashed line is a guide to the eye.
Figure 5.26: Evolution of magnetic torque with applied magnetic field near the 𝒂 axis up to 35 T for temperatures between 1.4 K and 4.0 K. a) shows raw cantilever capacitance, taken to be proportional to torque. b) shows derivative of torque with field τH. c) Extracted low temperature phase diagram showing transitions to spin-flop, paramagnetic, and non-collinear antiferromagnetic phases for fields close to the 𝒂 axis. Dashed lines are guides for the eye, error-bars are smaller than individual point markers.

Figure 5.25 shows the derivative of torque with field for all the angles measured. Overlaid is a guide to the eye, indicating where magnetic phase transitions occur. This shows a suppression of the transition field when the magnetic field is applied close to the 𝒂 axis. It is important to note that at this temperature, 4.0 K, only one transition is seen when the field is applied along the 𝒂 axis. One possible interpretation of this suppression is that at low temperatures, there is a phase boundary connecting the spin-flop along 𝒂 and the polarisation transition in the 𝒂𝒃 plane. This would be expected if the spin-flop phase magnetic state was in a different irrep to the zero-field Ax,Cy ground state. These are tabulated in Table 5.7, when the magnetic field is in the 𝒂𝒃 plane, the ground state is in the Γ1 irrep, a possible spin-flop structure in a different irrep would be Az,Cz in the Γ2 irrep.

Figure 5.26 shows evolution of magnetic torque near the 𝒂 axis with field for temperatures between 1.4 K and 4.0 K. These show a sharp peak in the derivative at the spin-flop transition. At base temperature, the spin-flop field is μ0HSF=25.5(2) T, this is slightly lower than the value determined in pulsed-fields, but overall in good agreement. This can be seen in the phase diagram including both sets of data, in Figure 5.26c).

§ 5.10 Pulsed-Field Magnetisation up to 67T

Attribution note: Measurements reported in this section were performed in collaboration with Matthew Pearce, and Ryutaro Okuma from the University of Oxford, and instrument scientist Yurii Skourski at the HZDR Dresden high-magnetic-field facility.

Figure 5.27: Co-aligned β-Na2PrO3crystals for field μ0𝑯𝒂 magnetisation measurements.

In order to understand the high-field magnetic phase transitions observed in β-Na2PrO3, magnetisation measurements were attempted using coil extraction magnetometry up to 67 T. A collection of 7 single-crystals were co-aligned such that field would be applied along the 𝒂, shown in Figure 5.27. The total mass of this collection is estimated at m5 mg. In order to allow time for co-alignment without them degrading in air, the samples were coated in paraffin in a glovebox and sealed in vacuum. In the experiment however, no magnetic signal was detected above the experimental noise level. While it is possible that more samples could be co-aligned to fit into the sample space, it is clear that given the small moment a substantially larger amount of material, at least an order of magnitude, would be needed to measure a significant signal. As such, it is unclear if co-aligning crystals is a realistically viable method of achieving a suitable filling factor of the measurement coil with the sample sizes available. If larger samples are able to be grown, or the largest available samples today can be produced more consistently, then this could be reattempted.

§ 5.11 Discussion/Conclusions

This chapter reported on the hyperhoneycomb magnet β-Na2PrO3. I have shown detailed single-crystal structural refinement, and attempted to characterise the magnetic properties of the material for the first time. The material was shown to order at 5.20 K with AC calorimetry measurements. Single crystal torque magnetometry in low fields suggested non-collinear antiferromagnetic order, with suppression of susceptibilities in the 𝒂 and 𝒃 directions. This was confirmed by neutron diffraction measurements, performed by others, which showed an (Ax,Cy) magnetic ground state. A minimal J,Γ,Γ model was developed, and the behaviour of this model in magnetic fields was explored using mean-field calculations, showing that a spin-flop transition was expected for fields along the 𝒂 axis. A symmetry analysis considering what magnetic states could be reached with and without crossing a phase boundary for fields applied in the high symmetry planes showed that this predicted phase boundary was symmetry-protected in the 𝒂𝒄 plane, giving a clear signature to look for.

The magnetic torque data presented in this chapter shows rich behaviour in all orientations measured. Close to the 𝒂 axis, a sharp spin-flop phase transition is observed in both pulsed and DC fields. As the field is rotated toward the 𝒄 axis it broadens rapidly. This is unlike the behaviour expected from the minimal J,Γ,Γ model, in which a symmetry-protected first-order transition between (Ax,Cy) and (Ay,Cx) states is expected. One possible explanation is that the phase boundary between these states is close to the 𝒂 axis, such that field sweeps only cross it for very small angles against the axis. Substantial broadening of the transition is seen at an angle of θ<5 °, so some effort would be needed to understand why this would be the case in this scenario. An alternative explanation is that the observed anomaly is a transition to a different spin-flop phase in the same irrep, such as Az or predominant Cy order. In the 𝒂𝒃 plane, these phases are in different irreps. In the Az case, this would imply a symmetry protected transition between the zero-field (Ax,Cy) and spin-flop Az states.

In the 𝒂𝒃 plane, the spin-flop along 𝒂 axis can be seen. Away from the 𝒂 axis, further features are seen which are not explained by the minimal J,Γ,Γ model, including board low-field peak-trough features which are not observed in other orientations. The discrepancy between orientations may be caused by the different projection of torque being measured in each case. Alternatively, the anomaly may only be visible between the 𝒃 and 𝒂 axes, not also the 𝒃 and 𝒄 axes. These scenarios cannot be distinguished by with the data available, future experimental work with different techniques such as high-field calorimetry could identify which if these possibilities is realised and to understand the origin of the feature.

At 4 K, rotating between the 𝒂 and 𝒃 axes shows a sharp transition at all angles. The associated transition field appears to be suppressed close to the 𝒂 axis, this may be because of a symmetry protected phase boundary between the (Ax,Cy) and spin-flop Az states as mentioned above. However, whether or not a sharp boundary remains at low temperatures could not be determined. In the 𝒃𝒄 plane, close to the 𝒃 axis, a sharp, temperature dependent feature is seen. This may be associated with a polarisation transition, but other measurements at larger angles to the axis appear to show a further anomaly at even higher field.

The J,K,Γ,Γ model on a hyperhoneycomb lattice discussed here, and explored in depth elsewhere [59], shows incredibly rich physics, stabilising numerous distinct ground states depending on the parameters used. Many of those ground states themselves have complex phase diagrams in field. Even in this minimal case, the problem of determining model parameters is under-constrained.

The proposed minimal J,Γ,Γ model, with J=1.22 meV,Γ=Γ=0.27 meV, predicts a Cy component to the magnetic structure much smaller than is observed, and a spin-flop field smaller than is determined by torque. These disagreements can be reduced by increasing the value of |Γ| in the model, however this causes calculated powder neutron scattering to agree less well with experimentally observed data [78]. Reconciling these different experimental observations will likely require extensions beyond the minimal model.

Given the extensive theoretical and experimental interest in magnetic hyperhoneycomb systems, this material clearly deserves further research. The primary areas of future work should be experimental. Torque magnetometry at higher magnetic fields could elucidate the second anomaly seen at high fields near the 𝒃 axis. Additionally, high-field angle dependence below 3 K in the 𝒂𝒃 plane could clarify what happens with the phase boundary between 𝒂 and 𝒃 at low temperatures, this could in turn help determine the spin-flop phase and therefore narrow down the interactions in the structure. Heat capacity in high magnetic fields could determine which features in torque correspond to true phase transitions. If larger single crystals could be grown, single crystal magnetisation in high magnetic fields could clarify what transitions are happening where. In the long term, single crystal inelastic neutron scattering will likely clarify many of the mysteries of this system.

Previous theoretical work predicted large Kitaev interactions in β-Na2PrO3[43] and in the related honeycomb polymorph α-Na2PrO3[42]. Current data does not support this to be the case here. Future theoretical work could attempt to understand why these interactions are not observed, or what key signatures could be looked for in available experimental techniques. Other productive work would seek to understand better the observed torque data, and to build a model and phase diagram which explains all the transitions and anomalies seen.